Saturday 1 June 2013

Price Adjustments Strategies by Corny Cottage

Psychological Pricing
To attractively determining the prices we are using psychological pricing strategies for example like 49 59 etc.

Cash Discount
We are giving 13% to consumer.

Quantity Discount
For few items there is facility of buy one get one free.

Seasonal Discount
We also giving seasonal discount at the end of season like in June we give 30% on corny classic.

Sales Promotion Price
We are charging fewer prices on our new release (corny twist).

Special Events Pricing
We charge fewer prices on Jashn-e-Baharan and 14th august to increase our sales.

Cost Based Price:
Product > Cost > Price > Value > Customer

Value Based Pricing:
We are charging the prices up to perception of value which we deliver to our customer rather than to our cost.
Customer > Value > Price > Cost > Product


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