Friday 8 February 2013

HBR Articles: Want Collaboration? Accept-And Actively Manage-Conflict

Written By: Jeff Weiss & Jonathan Hughes  

Most of the companies try to use the different ways to improve team work in different sectors of the organization and then these steps create the success story and sometimes have a limited impact on organization. Problem is that when the sales and delivery departments are not working properly it’s become the caused of failure. It creates the conflict in the business as well. These steps are essential for effective managing;
  • Solve all kind of conflicts between workers to workers and senior to junior
  • There should be criteria for making trade off..
  • Establish a require for joint escalation.
  • Make the process for conflict resolution before reaching the conflict at pathetic and unsolvable stage
To conclude, first 2 points focused on point conflict and last 2 points
focused on management chain to resolve the conflicts. All sorts of cultural societal barriers should be vanishing of so that an effective and progressive environment could be created.

Ref –Page, No 93


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