Written By: Linda
E. Taylor, Ronald K. Andrews & Stasha Goliaszewski
December: 2008
December: 2008
Henrietta is the senior VP of the
company who appointed Steve Ambler as a sale director. Her colleagues react and
create some difficulties but she helps him in translation in work. E. Taylor is
the director of work life, equity and advices Henrietta to offer lot of gender
training when pass the judgment on its employees private lives and that working
for Raytheon means adhering to its policy of inclusion.
Ronald k.Adrews, a vice
president and head of human resources at prudential, says it is crucial to work
very closely with the person transitioning and points out that the individuals
courage may be what most strikes colleagues.
Stasha Goliaszewski, a scientist and engineer
and Boeing, started her gender transition after four years with the company.
HR support helped with other employees
and her professional expertise helped when she called on customers. She advises
large companies to prepare their gender-identity policies.
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