Tuesday 5 February 2013

Article / Topic: Supervisor Work/Life Training Get Results

Written By:  Ellen Ernst Kossek & Lesli B. Hammer
November: 2008

This article is about teaching managers to be more supportive of their direct reports work/life issues can be a simple and effective route to improving employee health and satisfaction. Supervisors are eager for such help, many want to be supportive. For this purpose they train their employee’s. The training focused on four kinds of actions.

Once they reviewed their managers are being more supportive, employee’s reported improvements in general overall health. Employees of the trained supervisors also were more satisfied in their jobs. To reinforce the training and insure that is was implemented, we asked all trained supervisors to set individual goals for using what they have earned.

The study provides proof that small interventions can have a big impact throughout an organization.

Ref –Page, No   36


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